7 Secrets – Becoming a Super model

7 Secrets – Becoming a Super model

There are many secrets to becoming a model, but not many to becoming a super model. Super models, in the US and around the world, are those who have uncovered the few secrets that turned them into super from only being a model. Even though, each woman is complete in herself, they are certain things that these successful models do to differentiate themselves from the rest.

Care for your most important asset- your body. For a model, his or her body is the most powerful tool to move up the career ladder. Diet, exercise, and rest are the areas where you want to be fastidious and most attentive. Eating right, having exercising regularly, and taking enough rest everyday directly reflect upon your body, hair, nails, and skin. Super models religiously and wholeheartedly follow plans to keep their body in shape and let it do the talking.

Choose your style-it’s very important that you know what style suits your body best. Try to adopt a natural body shape. If you are inherently thin, nurture that; if you have a natural heavy lower part, keep it intact. Each super model carries their specialty which naturally suits them and keep them from the crowd where being paper thin is the only way to go around.

Create a portfolio-a client in search of a model is better convinced to hire you for a show by seeing your profile of modeling photos. Potential super models carry a range of their images, taken in different outfits, at different locations, to allow agencies and clients to see the versatility of your talent.

Modeling school- this could be the step you always needed to get the knowledge of industry and make contacts that you previously lacked to become a super model. Modeling schools do not readily turn you into a super model but equip you with the right knowledge, contacts and sometimes provide you exposure which becomes decisive for your career. This is the place you get an honest account of your strengths and shortcomings and helps you in exploiting them smartly to jump to the higher rung of the ladder.

Go to intermediaries-agencies and industry representatives are commonly used by models either to introduce them to potential companies or sign them up for ads campaigns which put them much ahead of their fellow models. Often in initial contracts, agencies get the biggest chunk of profit and the model a jump in his career by working for a well known designer or product.

Show up at open calls-many top and unknown agencies give open calls time to time. Look for open calls in particular agencies that you wish to target for a career boost. Open calls is a great opportunity for those models who have not had enough exposure yet, they can show up at a specified time without prior contacts with an agency and demonstrate their work and talent.

Set up go-see- there is absolutely no harm in trying go-sees with designers and agencies. You may contact them directly or through a personal reference and see if they would like to consider you for their upcoming fashion walk. This way a designer or potential client gets to meet you in person and you get a chance to sell yourself.

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